Book Reviews

REVIEW ➞ Crazy to Love You by J. Saman


I am meeting this woman for one reason and one reason only. And that officially makes her off-limits.

I want the one woman I cannot have. Again.
The second I lay eyes on Naomi Kent, I know I want her.
And not just for my duet, though her voice is so strikingly beautiful, it can make angels weep.
It’s her mind, her passion, her perfect curvy body. Everything about her sets my blood on fire.
But here’s the thing… I need her to get this song produced.
She needs me to help her regain the life she lost.
So, any chance at an us… Well, that’s a no-go, right?

I don’t want anything Gus Diamond has to offer me.
And that includes his gorgeous face and sexy-as-all-sin body. Well, maybe I do want those.
But this duet? Nope. Not a chance.
I gave up this life when my world shattered and my broken pieces were stomped all over in a very public way. So you can understand why the last thing I want is to relive all that.
But Gus has this way about him.
And before I know what’s happening, I’m saying yes to things I know better than to say yes to.
Including him.
That is until my past decides to make an unexpected return. With one hell of an entrance.

Like two wayward stars who ran off together into the blackest night and I don’t want this moment to end.


My heart broke for Gus in the Wild Minds duet, so I was so excited to find out that he was getting his story. Gus, my heart breaks for him, but I want him to be happy and find what his twin brother has.

Gus needs to say goodbye to Vi and he does it with a song, however, his brother won’t sing it (no surprise there). He needs to find someone who will duet it with him and his record label has the perfect woman for it, but getting her to agree is going to be the difficult part as she doesn’t do that anymore. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Naomi. She grew up in the music industry. Her mother was a pop star and her father also a famous musician. She has a natural talent when it comes to writing music herself. Her life from a young age was full of tragedy and it caused her to put up so many walls to protect not only her heart, but herself as a person. She is a strong person for overcoming everything in her life and you can’t help but love her for it.

You could feel chemistry, the instant connection from the very first moment that Gus and Naomi met. That connection just continued to grow as the story progressed. I fell more and more in love with both of these characters and wanted them to find their happily ever after because they both deserved it more than anything in the world.

Their relationship wasn’t easy. It was full of so many ups and downs and at times it broke my heart. This story is beautiful, it’s emotional, it’s forbidden, it’s going to break your heart and it’s going to mend that broken heart. Crazy to Love You is a MUST READ!